We are the best candidates because..

We do not know whether we are the best, but this is what differentiates us from the rest - ------ Travelling is one of our passions. Every year we hit the road once or twice, for a week to fifteen days. We are very happy to say that we have extensively covered all but eight states of our beautiful nation, India, by road. ------ Even when we head abroad, the first thing we do is to head to the car rentals the moment we land. We have driven about three thousand miles in the US on our last trip. Explored Malaysia by road and the entire GULF too. We carry our survival kit, including car essentials needed for OFF-ROAD. ------- We have a six-year old daughter, Mallika who has travelled with us from the day she was born. ------ It is not about just hitting the road. It is about immersing oneself in the culture of the natives. It is about the smell, taste, sound, touch and the visual scape. It is about getting in touch with feelings and emotions. It is about being one amongst the people, eating, sleeping, playing and working together. ------ With the natives, we learn a song, we learn the moves. We spend time with children in the schools. We weave, paint, thrash the grains. Let our daughter experience the veins. ------ Our home is a treasure trove of our collections from far and away. We capture the moments on camera and canvas to cherish for a life time. We share our pleasure moments with family and friends, near and far. ------ We enjoy every journey. It is about journey of our life.