We are the best candidates because..

WE LOVE DRIVING: While travel on work keeps us at different locations, we still try to plan and go on road trips on the shortest of notices on the longest of drives. Why just last week the two of us took 6 + hr flights and then drove for ~1,500 km over a 3 day weekend to take a peek at a waterfall ( albeit a famous one) WE LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY: I've been a photo-nut for over 5 years now and while I've managed to accumulate a sizeable amount of equipment for better photography, I guess my biggest learning has been to be patient enough to wait for the shot u need. Having someone like Deblina who stands by you and loves to be photographed ,just makes it all the more enjoyable :-) Infact, the photo fever is spreading onto her too !! AND above all : WE LOVE SPREADING THE WORD on all things beautiful that we come across on our trips.... While on the surface it might look like our travel tastes are extremely similar, we do have a few subtle differences that can help provide a richer experience to someone who wishes to see the world through us. Deblina has this sense of spontaneity that leads us off the oft-traveled paths to end up finding out hidden treasures on our tours while I’m more of a trivia driven person who could rattle out random tidbits (mostly facts, though a li’l fiction doesn’t hurt anyone ;-) ) to add some “masala” while reliving the trip…