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Jaswinder Mohan Saini & Mukta Saini

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We are the best candidates because...

To be a winner Following are the prerequisites A good vision A belief in your self A good strategy and plan Abilities to handle problems in life Simple thoughts with all basics in place WE have all the things with us so we are best candidates


Our Travel Plan

Our plan for this drive is to start from Tiruvanatapuram Coiambator GOA Mumbai Ahamadabad,Joadhpur,Jaipur Delhi Totaling to 3353 KM of Run Covering Costal ghatts Konan Falls, Metropoliton Mumbai Business Ahamadabad Deserts of Loadhpur Colourful Jaipur and Heart of country Delhi. This is going to cover a good spectrum of Indian terrain.

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Our Travelogue

I travelled almost entire country except North East . I am passionate about travelling and driving through the various terrains.Abroad trips were only official trips. You have to represent some big organisations names there so no hanky panky stuff there.



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